The past eleven days have been the most exhausting days I have had in a long, long time...
It all started with my mother’s hospital venture and then it was topped off with my boss at the day job telling us that he’s putting in his two week resignation. Granted my co-worker and I were v. happy for him and it’s a fantastic opportunity, but we were pretty much so shell-shocked that we ended up in a dive bar in Old Town drinking and smoking and lamenting the sad state of affairs of the office after he leaves. Granted, it’s also given us a bit of an incentive to really start looking for a job anyways (something both of us have been talking about for years it seems).

On a brighter note, last week I also got reconnected to a friend who I haven’t spoken with in at least nine years(!). He found me on
MySpace and emailed me. Puss was someone I’ve known since college and ended up moving to DC in ‘92. After that we were damn near inseparable- he was Ethel to my Lucy or vice versa- even after I entered into my first long-term relationship. Four years later, we ended up drifting apart and he moved back down to the Richmond area and Brian & I broke up and I got caught up with work and then started up at the Theatre, which limited my free time on weekends, and we just stopped keeping in touch for some reason. But whatever, we’ve been emailing since last week and hopefully we’ll actually get to catch up in person, as I’m sure that there’s plenty of stuff to talk about and gossip.

I’ve also seen quite a few movies-
Clerks 2 was just as entertaining as Kevin Smith’s previous films and, as expected, this one’s more sentimental and topical with Gen X-ers as we get older and start thinking more about our ever-changing lives. Rosario Dawson is a standout in this film (as she has been in every movie I’ve seen her in) and Jay and Silent Bob to provide some hilarious bits and even the whole donkey show aspect was in keeping with the previous movie’s outlandishness. Smith’s camera work is much more active in this film than in any other movie he’s done, so he’s showing some growth as a filmmaker and I’ve gotta give him props for including a Bollywood-style dance number to the Jackson’s “ABC” smack-dab in the middle of the movie. Grade”
Sunday afternoon I got together with WEW and Yermiyahu, who I haven’t seen in months (
Buy his book), and we saw “
Strangers With Candy.” While I am a fan of the Sedaris family, I never really got into watching the original television series, but I was familiar with the after-school-spoof premise and the film was v. funny for the first hour but simply just became tiresome. Amy Sedaris and Stephen Colbert are equally hilarious and have some hysterical one-liners, even if it does peter out towards the end. Grade:
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