Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, that time of year has landed upon us. The time when we hurry up to tie any loose ends for the year and gear up for the next one. It's amazing how crazy-fast the time's gone, but this time of year, I strive to believe, brings out the best in people so it's welcome.

I'm thankful for:
My friends- those who I've known forever and those who've recently come into my life. You guys really are the best and I appreciate ya'll even when I'm at my grumpiest. It's been saqid that friends are those people you choose to be in your family and I think I made some good choices. Luv Ya. Mean it.

Leela & Fry- One of those impulse things that happened last spring and they are a constant joy and frustration in my life. I think they help me make a better person.
My fam- Another source of joy and frustration in my life- in only the best sense. I'm glad they're there and that they know I'm there for them, too.

There are other things I'm thankful for as well, but they're all superficial: My MacBook, Hugh Jackman, Bruce Willis, Madonna, Pet Shop Boys, iPods, TiVo and the Scissor Sisters. What are you thankful for?
Enjoy your holiday!
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