You've Got To Be Carefully Taught

So, a couple weekends ago, I went to a comic convention with my friend coquettecutie and I found a slew of old Olivia Newton-John television specials and old television shows I hadn't seen or heard of since I was a little tyke. I also grabbed a DVD of old politically incorrect cartoons from the 30s & 40s that included the oft-talked about "Coal Black and De Sebben Dwarves" amongst other toons made during WW2, so the stereotype factor was v. v. high.
I have to say while watching these, I found some of them are quite good. Tight storytelling, great music, wonderful animation- the classic Looney Tunes structure. Yes, taken outside of their historical/educational context they can be viewed as incendiary, but I'm pretty glad I found this.
Plus, I've always heard that Coal Black was the *best* cartoon short ever made so I wanted to see it. IMO, it's not *the* best, but it's up there.
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