Okay, it’s been another long dry spell wherein I haven’t posted anything recently and there are a few good reasons for this:
1. I’ve been in a helluva funk and it’s really messed up with any motivation I may have.
2. As with work, I’ve been super-busy making plans in the evening and doing things on the weekend (it gets me out, which is a good thing).
4. And the best reason/excuse *drumroll, please...* I’ve now got DSL and a wireless setup at home, baby!
So, there’s no more need to rely on the free Wi-Fi capabilities of the Theatre’s, local libraries and my patronage of Panera Breads in the area.
One last reason is I think I’m just trying to figure out what I want this little old blog here to be- is it me writing about the mundane/interesting details of my life, a review of things I’ve seen & experienced, a music blog or just me posting pictures. Coincidentally, this is my 100th post (yay, me!), and this crisis just seemed timed to this monumental post. I mean, in all honesty, I started this blog last year just to get a pass to an early screening of "Serenity" last year and it just grew from there. I am amazed and humbled by the numbers of folks coming across this blog and appreciate your stopping by, now I just need to see where we go from here...

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