
[Disclaimer:The following happened last Wednesday as I was gearing up for my trip down to the Outer Banks for my friend, K8E's wedding. I'll post about that once I'm caught up with household chores.]
So, I’ve had lunch and stopped at a gas station that was charging $2.91/gallon and decided that I’d better take advantage of the price to fill up before my trip to the OBX tonight. I’m minding my own business, washing my windows, taking a call from Snackcake®, who I’m picking up at National this evening before the tip, and then this squat African-American lady comes up to me and says (rather excitedly), “Hey!”
“Hey,” I mutter.
“What are you doing in this part of town?” she asks.
“I’m getting gas,” I countered, trying to figure out if I recognize her, or if I’m supposed to know who she is.
She then stands there with this silly grin on her face and looks at me. I’m looking back at her (mind you, I’m wearing polarized sunglasses, so she can’t see my eyes) with a neutral _expression awaiting the next bon mot to come out of her and, after a few seconds, she says, “Well, bye!” (It sounded more like “Baaaaaahh”).
I got back into my car and am racking my brain as to who this woman is. She probably realised that I wasn’t the person she thought I was, but that’s damn sure embarrassing for her…

Hey Rabbit, Welcome home see you tomorrow. Hope you had a fabulous time.
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