So, Sunday rolls around and I’m getting ready. I give Munsen a wake-up call and she didn’t pick up and then I figured I might as well finish my morning routine before calling again. We did have a short window since the Rescue people were only going to be at Frederick Towne Mall (the “e” in Town makes it ritzier- not!) from 1 to 3, so the plan was to leave around noon to get there in time. I called Munsen one more time as I left the house and she still didn’t answer, so I figured I’d drop by her place before I hit the road. As soon as I leave the driveway, she calls me up all frantic-like. “Are you gone yet?”
“No, I was just on my way to your place.”
“Cool. Let me jump in the shower real quick and I’ll be right out.”

We finally hit the road at 12:45 and made some pretty good time getting there around 1:45. We listened to the “Assassins” OCR and talked about a lot of Theatre-related stuff and just kinda joked around. Once we found the mall, we had to find the entrance that the adoption people were. My notes said “near Ollie’s Outlet,” but that wasn’t attached to the mall, so we parked on that side and sure enough, there was the set-up for the small animal adoption.

We tentatively walked up, as I didn’t know what the rescue lady looked like. I completely felt like I was on a blind date. I kept looking for the Chins and didn’t find them but then I heard someone talk about a guy coming out to meet them and I found her. She was very nice and happy to see me and opened up the carrier that was housing the li’l guys. She let me hold one immediately and I just fell in love. They were so soft and not too skittish at all, considering that they were in a strange place and stuff.

The female started crawling up my shoulder to my back, so I had Munsen get ahold of her, lest she run around in the mall and Munsen was totally won over as well. I took that opportunity to hold the male as well and he was just as adorable- a little more wiggly then the girl but still very inquisitive.

We went over my adoption application and Munsen volunteered to take care of them, should I ever need to travel and I got many more pointers about food, bedding, and other types of things I’d need to know. I played with them for a little while longer and we talked about the conditions I need to meet before she comes over to bring them down. I needed to order a suitable cage and enough supplies to make them comfortable, which I agreed to and then, after all that, we said our goodbyes. She was so taken with us that she gave me (and even Munsen!) a hug.

On the drive back, we stopped at a pet outlet, so Munsen could get some supplies for her hamster, Beaker and then we stopped at Cracker Barrel for a late lunch. I decided to treat since she volunteered her time to accompany me and, we killed time waiting for out food playing that peg game that they have. It was fairly odd that if you have 2 pegs left you’re “Dumb” and if there’s 3 you’re labeled “Loser” and if there’s 4 you’re rated an “Ig-Nor-Ra-Moose.” We never got less than 2 pegs left on the board. I think the game’s rigged.

On the way back, Munsen decided that she wanted to stop at PetCo near my house to get a companion for Beaker, so when we got there, we saw a very cute little guy who was entirely brown (more like a latte) and under the plastic igloo there was a multi-colored hamster asleep. She totally flipped for both and decided to get the two. Once we got back to her place, we started cleaning out the hamster cages and placed them in and then, while we cleaned Beaker’s home, we put him in his new exercise ball, which he totally loved. I even made a Quicktime video of him creating energy
here. We had fun watching the new guys explore their cage and even more fun watching Beaker roll along the living room. SGS & Matt came over and we still were just captivated by the little rodent’s activity until it was time to go to the closing night party for our current production. It was an okay shin-dig- since it was a small cast, it was fairly quiet but there was plenty of free pizza and beer. We stayed until approximately 10:30 and then I dropped Munsen home before getting home and watching a couple episodes of Futurama.

Did I tell you that the Chin’s names are going to be Leela and Fry?
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