A Long Time Ago, We Used To Be Friends...

"Veronica Mars" had its second season finale last night and, since I was home, I made a dedicated effort and watched it "live" on a TiVo-delay (started watching the recording 15 minutes in, allows one to finish the show at the scheduled time the show ends).

And I do concede with my dear friends who turned me onto this show (I blame them for this diatribe), SmurfMJS & Les, that I now agree that Veronica and Logan are meant to be togerther.

Antoher thing I love is that each story-arc is so detailed, that even the one-off episodes contain things that are related to the macro-story. Granted, this doesn’t help people who start watching the series in the middle of the season and, honestly, I feel that this show really plays much better when watched in a more consistent fashion (God bless DVD). From what I’ve read, next season should prove easier to start watching during the middle, as there will be “3 long-arc mysteries, delivered in batches.”
I know many of my friends will call me a blasphemer, but I really think that "Veronica Mars" is better written and more compelling than "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" (which I totally loved). And, while we can credit BtVS for the bourgeoning of literate, kick-ass female role models, VM has surpassed it in its first two seasons.
If you haven’t watched the show, rent the Season One DVDs and make some time to watch it. It really is worth your time.
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