Thursday, October 05, 2006

Recent Events

Okay, firstly, I want to thank those of you who wished me a happy birthday yesterday with cards and email sand gifties. I appreicate it, and your friendships, greatly and with an open heart. My friend, Flounder, asked me this morning if I felt any older and wiser and I replied:

  • Older- yes

  • Wiser- not sure yet

  • More cynical- maybe

With a winky-face... so who knows what will become of this next year in my life?

Onto other things I've been witnessing.

Not to make a joke out of finding out if your husband is gay, simply because it is a major issue that leads to people getting hurt, but this article clearly is sending mixed messages for clues to wives. I mean, really, if "A strong preference for anal sex" is an indicator I know plenty of straight men who could be pigeon-holed (no pun intended) but then the author writes that these men could be displaying "extreme homophobic behavior" and in the next line he has an "Unusually high percentage of male friends who are gay"- mixed message alert!

And then we've got Mark Foley, who's been doing dirty, wrong things with teenage boys online and then blames his actions on being a drunk, gay, and a victim of molestation himself (like that will get him any sympathy). Well, I have to applaud "America's Most Wanted's" John Walsh for pointing out that being gay and a pedophile are two different things altogether.

Thirdly, I just heard about a Texas school teacher being fired because one child complained about the nude depictions in an art museum on a field trip. Now that's just taking it a bit too far. What did one expect to see in an art museum? Depictions of war & violence? Oh no, I forget that we get that on the news every day. What else is going to be fodder for firings or more complaints- a trip to the zoo because the animals may be caught copulating or because they're basically naked year-round?

Sorry, I just had to rant for a moment...

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