Friday, December 29, 2006

I Love A Beach In The Winter

Season's greetings from the Outer Banks, NC!

After spending Xmas with the fam (as per every year), I packed up and joined 17 friends for a week of being lazy and taking care of children before ringing in the new year. This trip is something that I've undertaken since New Year's 98/99 and it's always entertaining.

I'll be posting reflections on the past year over the next few days- stuff I've done and haven't posted about and maybe my list of favorite movies/shows I've caught over the past 12 months, so keep checking in!

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Hermie the Elf has got nothin' on me!


Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Little Warm Up

before I put finger to keyboard again. Happy Christmas, everybody!

Now, imagine if Star Wars was made in the silent movie era...

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Scrubs does "A Charlie Brown Christmas"

This was made by a staff member during Scrubs' third season in 2003. It's very fun and in the spirit of both Charlie Brown and Scrubs, so if you like either, check it out.

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

I Am Most Like...

Which [title of show] Peep Are You?

You are most like HUNTER. You are witty and warm and have a way with your friends. You make people laugh and you are kind. You like to procrasturbate and take in lots of television.
Take this quiz!

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Friday, December 08, 2006

Tony Awards + Dreamgirls = Awesome

This clip is proof enough that Ms. Holliday gave a powerhouse performance as Effie White.

That is, until the movie opens up and the world will see a performance that is just as enthralling in Jennifer Hudson's performance of Effie.

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mary Poppins as Horor Film

I'm thinking that these mashup trailers are getting to be pretty tiresome, but this one really made me laugh.

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Gift giving & How to open them

Instructions here.

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Post-Turkey update

Welp, a lot has happened since I last updated this here blog. Last week, Munsen got me into a Town Hall Q&A with Jimmy Carter at her place of secondary employment. Jonathan Demme was also there filming the event for a documentary he was making about the former president.

Now, I’ll admit to not remembering much about his term. Mostly, I remember the gas crisis and Iran Hostage situation, neither of which were his fault or doing, but post-term he’s been one of the most influential and humanitarian figures in history (you don’t get a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nuthin’). I found the 82-year man to be well-spoken and very eloquent about his views on Palestine and the current war in Iraq and also quite gracious. I spoke with an acquaintance while getting into the signing line, and asked her why there were no political figures who could phrase a sentence, galvanize a country or speak authoritatively like Carter, Clinton or (I begrudgingly admit) Reagan. We get mister nucular up there addressing the nation and it’s no wonder his approval ratings are so low.

But I digress, the line moved relatively fast and I was able to thank President Carter as he signed my books and he blew a kiss to another friend of mine behind me in line (after she told him that he was her hero- very sweet).

After that, I turned on my cell phone (no mobile phones allowed when meeting the former president) and found out that I had a couple tickets to catch the opening night performance of “She Loves Me” at Arena Stage and I only had an hour to find a date and get there. I was able to get my cohort in crime at the Theatre to meet me there and we saw SGS, his BF and Jenny also in the audience.

To be honest, I wasn’t really looking forward to it at all. In the past, the musical productions I’ve seen at Arena were less-than-pleasing- granted all of the ones I didn’t enjoy were directed by Artistic Director, Molly Smith, and since this was helmed by Kyle Donnelly I had no expectations.

My low expectations were, thankfully, dashed as the night progressed and it’s become the best musical I’ve seen at Arena Stage. This show was such a light-hearted romantic affair, I had a grin on my face halfway through act one. The second act was a bit predictable, but still enjoyable and I heartily recommend it to anyone on the DC area. After the review in the Washington Post, I’d assume that ticket sales are currently brisk through the holidays, when it closes December 31. Grade: A-

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