Right on, Terrance McNally!

"It was something as a gay man of my generation I never thought would be a possibility. I am 66. I was always out. But things have changed so much. Certainly Stonewall [the riots in 1969, the first major protest for gay civil rights] and AIDS changed everything. And now the move toward marriage is the final right gay men and women deserve and for which we will fight and get. I still don't get why it is a threat to traditional marriage and how it erodes the marriage of Dick and Jane in the next apartment. When I asked people in Vermont if [civil unions] were a big issue up there, and they said it was big for about a month while they were told it would be the end of life as they knew it for the institution of marriage. But it stopped being an issue very quickly because it doesn't change anything for heterosexuals."
Read the entire interview here.
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